FAWEZI Alumni Celebrates the International Day of The Girl Child


FAWEZI Alumni Celebrates the International Day of The Girl Child

The Forum for African Women Educationalist Zimbabwe (FAWEZI) Alumni held (belated) celebrations of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDCG) on November 5, 2016. The celebrations were conducted in partnership with the Girl guides Association of Zimbabwe (GGAZ) under the theme –‘Promoting quality education through standardised partnerships and gender equality, good health and well-being of the girl child.’

Members of the FAWEZI Alumni and GGAZ participated in various sporting competitions at Warren Park 2 primary grounds. The sporting disciplines included potato sack race, netball, girls’ soccer and athletics. The Zimbabwe Correctional Services Deputy Commissioner General Mupure was the guest of honour.

Speaking at the event the Deputy Commissioner General said any one can achieve their dreams if they work hard. “My gender did not matter when I joined ZPCS in 1986,I rose from the junior ranks up to where I am today because of hard work,” She said. Mupure went to challenge the girls to thrive to achieve more than they already have in their school work. “I challenge you girls to remain focused and thrive to do more,” she said.

FAWEZI provided trophies, shields and medals for the winners.