Joint Sector Review of MoPSE’s Sector Strategic Plan 2016-20 attended by FAWEZI NC
Between 18 February and 20 February FAWEZI National Coordinator Lydia Madyirapanze – under the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) banner – attended the Joint Sector Review of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) Sector Strategic Plan 2016-2020. Yesterday she was part of a panel on “Equitable Access: What is being done to increase access, especially for the poor, girls, disabled, marginalized and vulnerable?” The moderator kicked off by sharing a quick glance of the 2018 MoPSE Statistics Report focusing on drop outs, people with disabilities, and the Basic Education Module Assistance (BEAM). With regards to Gender Responsive Education Sector Planning, Lydia highlighted: the role of conducting gender analysis in order to have gender-targeted actions, the role of the environment as enabler to improving access, and the importance of coordination of efforts by stakeholders to address cross cutting issues, among other things.